Whether you’re looking to hide fire power, keep the kids from getting to them, or just want something elegant to put your every day accessories away in, these coffee tables are for you. They come with matching coaster sets. One of the coasters will have a keypad mortised in the bottom of it to lock all of your drawers to keep intruders and little hands out of. All of the drawers have blumotion with tip on features so that you push the drawer to open, and with a slight push they retract themselves back into place.
Of course you’ll need a matching end table to go along with your new coffee table. We can do just about any color imaginable to fit your space. Finishes can be customizable as well. The end table is set up to work just like the coffee tables with locking mechanisms and all other features.

Fancy nightstands with storage are hard to come by. Store your right hand man in it or keep your nightly routine in there. This piece also has blumotion tip on features and locking mechanisms.
The customer that belongs to this piece had been looking for something like it for years. She couldn’t find anything exactly fit to her specifications because she already had in mind exactly where it was going to be placed in her home. She knew how tall, wide, and deep she wanted it. When she came to us with the dimensions, wood species, and design Justin went right to work creating her one of a kind piece. This beauty is made from Black Walnut with a Cherry Wood finish.
A friend of ours commissioned us to build his wife this special custom table. I think we hit it out of the park with this little unique piece.
Do you want your baby to be sleeping in the best thing on the block? These cribs are so sturdy they can fit not only baby safely inside, but mom and dad as well if need be. This crib was made from Mahogany and trimmed out in Zebra Wood.

Looking to make outside a little more enjoyable? Add a custom swing or bench for yourself or friends to sit around the fire.
Don’t think your stuck with basic cookie cutter mantels. We can build you any size mantel out of any wood species you’re looking for.